Blog & Podcast

Welcome to my blog, where you’ll find articles and links to my podcast episodes.

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Fighting Nasty Viruses, Functionally
Functional Medicine, Supplements, FullScript, COVID-19 Jim Chialtas, DACM Functional Medicine, Supplements, FullScript, COVID-19 Jim Chialtas, DACM

Fighting Nasty Viruses, Functionally

In this 73rd episode I come to you in recovery from sickness. It started with my daughter, then to my wife, and then on to me. Like it does when living in close quarters.

Today I offer a short update on my health status, a little background on what my family has been experiencing (apparently COVID-19 as of positive tests this morning), a little reminder that it is okay to sit still sometimes and do nothing, and some nutraceutical/supplement advice for immune support as both preventative or therapeutic actions if sick with a virus.

We will discuss Vitamin D, Glutathione, Vitamin C, and other anti-viral support.

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