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The Autoimmune-Gut Connection
Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM

The Autoimmune-Gut Connection

It is important to understand one major concept regarding autoimmunity: no one is born with an autoimmune disease. People are often born with a genetic propensity to develop a disease, but it tends to be factors in that person’s life that turn autoimmunity on. In this article, I explain more about autoimmunity, what impacts this unfortunate condition, and what can be done to ease the symptoms.

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Why Does Food Hate Us So Much?
Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM

Why Does Food Hate Us So Much?

Why do so many of us struggle with how we feel after eating?  Many people feel bloated, get indigestion, or get diarrhea after eating, and can't figure out why.  There are many possible reasons for this, and things we can do about it!  Get some insight on what's going on and some quick tips to help.

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Autoimmunity: Early Detection Can Change Your Future
Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM

Autoimmunity: Early Detection Can Change Your Future

There is a good chance you will find some degree of autoimmunity in any random person off the street - one out of five Americans currently suffer from autoimmune disease.  Their immune system loses the ability to determine self tissues from non-self tissues and launch deliberate attacks against them.  This can come in many forms such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or rheumatoid arthritis, to name a few. Some simple tests can help you stop or slow the progression.  If you have concerns about your status or have a family history of autoimmune disease, this article is for you!

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Fitbit Captures Patient Recovery
Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM

Fitbit Captures Patient Recovery

I wanted to take a moment and share a recent case study that I find to be particularly interesting.  Most of the time when I work with a patient we start with a set of symptoms or even a known medical condition.  Some tests are ordered, results observed and a plan of action is set in motion.  An improvement in symptoms, and/or a follow up test weeks or months later tells us if our efforts were effective.  But an interesting thing is starting to happen.  My patients are coming in wearing a Fitbit or some other handy device that measures all sorts of things about their daily physiology.  This provides for both of us some powerful feedback in real time as to how the strategies we are employing are actually working.  The basis of this piece is in regards to just such a patient experience. 

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Leaky Gut Syndrome... I'm leaking from where now?!
Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM

Leaky Gut Syndrome... I'm leaking from where now?!

Is anyone else out there fascinated with the colon… Or is it just me? And why on Earth would I want to talk about “Leaky Gut Syndrome” anyway? It is a rather eloquently named pathology don't you think? Contrary to the graphic image that it hints towards, Leaky Gut Syndrome does not have anything to do with that synthetic fat substitute that came out in the 80’s which caused anal leakage. I suppose that would be called "Leaky Butt Syndrome." Leaky Gut Syndrome is much more dangerous than that. And here’s why:

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A Body Fighting Against Itself
Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM

A Body Fighting Against Itself

Probably one of the most up and coming of serious medical problems facing Americans today is auto-immunity. An auto-immune condition is one in which the immune system works to attack a particular tissue in the body. This problem can lead to a huge variety of disorders including Type I Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s (auto-immune thyroid), and many many more. The title of this article is actually two fold. It points out that not only are our bodies fighting against themselves, but the medical establishment, and the population as a whole is also caught up in a system that is working towards self destruction.

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