Blog & Podcast

Welcome to my blog, where you’ll find articles and links to my podcast episodes.

If you’d like to discuss your health concerns or ask some specific questions, please contact me and we can get started on your journey to balanced health!

“I’m leaking from where, now?”

“I’m leaking from where, now?”

In this episode we will discuss Intestinal Permeability... aka. "Leaky Gut." We will detail the physiology of Leaky Gut and some very common mechanisms which promote the development of the condition, and the inflammatory cascades which can create a viscous cycle that drives itself over time.

Listen and learn how a breech in the gut barrier can have so much to do with autoimmunity, food sensitivity, joint pain, brain fog, and much much more.

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The Cholesterol Misconception

The Cholesterol Misconception

In this episode we discuss some basic fundamentals around cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Is LDL Cholesterol the only thing that matters? I think not. There is more to the story. To get started we will talk about vascular inflammation, LDL particle size and number, a few of the other possible contributing factors in cardiovascular disease, and some easy to obtain laboratory testing which can expand on the typical "Lipid Panel" normally ordered.

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Introduction to Autoimmunity

Introduction to Autoimmunity

In this 22nd episode, I will discuss some of the basic fundamentals of autoimmunity. We will explore the different stages of autoimmune expression, potential triggers, and how it might look before a full-blown diagnosis is given.

This is the first episode in a series of autoimmune episodes. Coming episodes will explore more about therapies/interventions, and specific autoimmune diseases.

Autoimmunity is an extremely common condition effecting many millions of people in this country. It is rare in fact not to have someone in your family with an autoimmune disease. That makes this episode, and mini-series on autoimmunity an important one to hear.

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Is it the Gluten or the Sprays?

Is it the Gluten or the Sprays?

The discussion around gluten is certainly a big one. This podcast touches on just a few important concepts regarding gluten sensitivity, gut barrier integrity, processing of grain in the United States, and some literature suggesting that Celiac Disease is clearly on the rise! This is the first of many podcast episodes on gluten sensitivity reactions and how they can impact your health.

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