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The Estrogen / Thyroid Connection
Thyroid conditions Jim Chialtas, DACM Thyroid conditions Jim Chialtas, DACM

The Estrogen / Thyroid Connection

I want to describe to you a rather obscure tidbit pertaining to estrogen and its relationship to thyroid function. Low thyroid function is something that I talk a lot about because it affects a great many people weather they know it or not. Indeed the thyroid gland is very misunderstood and is certainly mistreated through the mainstream approach. But the thyroid gland itself aside, this article is focused on how thyroid hormone activity (not thyroid hormone production) can be hindered due to imbalances in the sex hormone estrogen.

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Hair Loss in Women: Stress or Something More Masculine?
Thyroid conditions Jim Chialtas, DACM Thyroid conditions Jim Chialtas, DACM

Hair Loss in Women: Stress or Something More Masculine?

It is quite astonishing really the number of women I hear of complaining of hair loss these days. It may not be massive hair loss mind you, but this is something that we tend to pay attention to. It is something that a great many men end up looking forward to if they like it or not, but for women, it is a whole other thing completely. Hair loss in a woman when it is bad can be a significant source of anxiety and poor self image. So what is going on? Why do I hear about it so often these days? Well, like many other medical conditions, hair loss has a lot to do with our lifestyle. It may just be possible that you are contributing directly to your hair loss every day without knowing it.

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Leaky Gut Syndrome... I'm leaking from where now?!
Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM

Leaky Gut Syndrome... I'm leaking from where now?!

Is anyone else out there fascinated with the colon… Or is it just me? And why on Earth would I want to talk about “Leaky Gut Syndrome” anyway? It is a rather eloquently named pathology don't you think? Contrary to the graphic image that it hints towards, Leaky Gut Syndrome does not have anything to do with that synthetic fat substitute that came out in the 80’s which caused anal leakage. I suppose that would be called "Leaky Butt Syndrome." Leaky Gut Syndrome is much more dangerous than that. And here’s why:

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A Body Fighting Against Itself
Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM

A Body Fighting Against Itself

Probably one of the most up and coming of serious medical problems facing Americans today is auto-immunity. An auto-immune condition is one in which the immune system works to attack a particular tissue in the body. This problem can lead to a huge variety of disorders including Type I Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s (auto-immune thyroid), and many many more. The title of this article is actually two fold. It points out that not only are our bodies fighting against themselves, but the medical establishment, and the population as a whole is also caught up in a system that is working towards self destruction.

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