Blog & Podcast

Welcome to my blog, where you’ll find articles and links to my podcast episodes.

If you’d like to discuss your health concerns or ask some specific questions, please contact me and we can get started on your journey to balanced health!

Autoimmunity: Early Detection Can Change Your Future
Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM Autoimmunity Jim Chialtas, DACM

Autoimmunity: Early Detection Can Change Your Future

There is a good chance you will find some degree of autoimmunity in any random person off the street - one out of five Americans currently suffer from autoimmune disease.  Their immune system loses the ability to determine self tissues from non-self tissues and launch deliberate attacks against them.  This can come in many forms such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or rheumatoid arthritis, to name a few. Some simple tests can help you stop or slow the progression.  If you have concerns about your status or have a family history of autoimmune disease, this article is for you!

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Are You Overweight? Or Mostly Just Inflamed?
Jim Chialtas, DACM Jim Chialtas, DACM

Are You Overweight? Or Mostly Just Inflamed?

By far one of the most common questions I get is if I can help with weight loss.  It seems to be something that most people want to do at some point in their lives, but also something that people want to see happen quickly and without a great deal of effort.  Perhaps that is just human nature.  But what I see going on out there is that people will tend to start down some particular path, usually involving a gym membership or a fancy piece of equipment, only to lose faith in their program after a month or so with very little to show for it in the end!  It can be very frustrating and bad for morale in general to fail time after time with something so important as one’s health and/or positive self image. So what gives?  Why is it so tough sometimes to lose the weight and keep it off? 

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Amazing Japanese Cheesecake Recipe
Gluten free Debbie Chialtas Gluten free Debbie Chialtas

Amazing Japanese Cheesecake Recipe

I'm sure the recipe name sounds like I'm over-hyping it a bit, but seriously this cake is the most delicious cake* I've ever had.  (*Not sure what the official criteria is of a cake, but this is cake in my book).  Made with everything you'd expect in cake, but with only 2 tablespoons of cornstarch in place of flour!  It's incredibly moist, almost mousse-like, with a light sweet flavor.  My husband took one bite and said, "This is special."  As in - stop the presses.  This is so good.

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The Domino Effect of an Imbalanced Thyroid - Your Answer to Many Health Questions
Thyroid conditions Jim Chialtas, DACM Thyroid conditions Jim Chialtas, DACM

The Domino Effect of an Imbalanced Thyroid - Your Answer to Many Health Questions

The Thyroid System is complex and significant.  It promotes cellular activity, helps us to be happy, healthy, and energetic.  It allows our immune system and brain to operate well.  It influences how our sex hormones operate and how much weight we carry.  The trouble is understanding it.  In this article I describe the Thyroid system and its subtle factors that, when missed, may just be the difference between success and failure to pull a person back into balance.

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Keeping Your Brain Healthy - Video Presentation
Jim Chialtas, DACM Jim Chialtas, DACM

Keeping Your Brain Healthy - Video Presentation

Everything that we think, feel and experience is because of our brain.  A sick brain equals poor health and poor outlook in general.  There are a great many factors that are working against us in this area of our health.  In this talk I cover several key concepts involved in neurological decline and some tips on how to stop them before they even start.  Do something proactive for your health today and watch this video!

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De-stress with Acupuncture!
Acupuncture Jim Chialtas, DACM Acupuncture Jim Chialtas, DACM

De-stress with Acupuncture!

If there’s one thing that everyone experiences at times, it’s stress.  More people experience stress than back pain, for example, and a great many of us experience some form of chronic stress.  This person might be a student, or a new parent who isn’t sleeping, or in a difficult relationship to name a few.  These are things that can go on for a long time.  So this is one area that we should all think about using acupuncture for more often! 

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